Saluting Australia’s National Dish
My friend's nephew moved to Canada several years ago and like many Australians abroad, he misses his favourite things about home. Last Christmas when he returned for the family holiday, between Tullamarine and the Surf Coast, he asked the driver to stop at the first place he could for a meat pie. That was inhaled.
He continued on his journey and stopped again for another meat pie.
Still not satisfied, he stopped again and bought 4 pies at once to eat on the rest of the way home. No, he did not share them with his family. So yes, between the airport and his parents’ house, he ate 6 pies. By himself.
Personally I think that that is not only a sign of true conviction and dedication, but a massive round of applause for what many of us consider to be the Australian National Dish. I also completely get it from the time I lived abroad and asked all Australian visitors to bring me enormous bags of twisties. Another family friend sent their expatriate daughter boxes of polywaffles – which is a bit sad as none of us can have one now.
Just as the quality of the pastry and the inside of each pie varies, so do our tastes in sauce. Some are happy with homemade tomato sauce, some prefer something spicy or sweet, but we (PetitsTresors) have The Best Aussie Pie Sauce to truly satisfy your palate but still leaving enough room for more.
Those of you who have already tasted this chef-created delight from Kieltys Irish, will already know that this sauce tastes like a pie. It evokes the taste of an Aussie meat pie, the memory of an Aussie Meat Pie and it’s something my friend’s nephew can take back to Canada with him after his next trip home, because as most of us will agree, you cannot eat a meat pie without sauce. This is The Aussie Pie Sauce. It’s tomatoey, relishy, a little bit spicy and a little bit quirky.
We will be writing more anecdotal meat pie stories so we hope that you like them.