ST. ALi | Wide Awake | Strong Espresso Blend 250g | PetitsTresors


St Ali's strong espresso blend combines ingredients sourced from Brazil and El Salvador to produce a body with a smooth, clean cup profile. The Brazilian elements hail from Alta Mogiana region, known for its sweet, structured naturals. The El Salvador element is sourced from Santa Ana region, delivering a consistent cup profile. Combining the two lots creates a coffee with caramelised sugars, molasses and dark spice, providing a bold flavour perfect for milk-based drinks. Perfect for those needing an extra kick to stay wide awake.

Chocolate | Butterscotch | Praline

COUNTRY: 60% Brazil | 40% El Salvador
CULTIVAR: Bourbon, Icatu, Catuai | Bourbon, Pacas, Typica
PROCESSING: Natural  | Washed

Espresso recipe 

DOSE: 20-22g 
YIELD: 42-46g 
TIME: 26-32s